#postmarked is an online exhibition and fundraiser by the Penland x Crafting The Future (CTF) crew for @crafting_the_future . The crew received 400 4''x6'' works of art through the mail and have documented them for you to see. The show "opens" at 12:00am (est) on Friday, October 23rd, and will remain up until November 23rd.
The goal is to get 400 donations at $30 each, one for every postcard we received. As a thank you for your donation of just $30, CTF will send you a randomly selected work from the show. All proceeds will go towards an endowment at @penlandschool for a CTF scholarship for BIPOC artists. This is huge because it means that every year, for ever and ever, there will already be a CTF scholarship in place that is completely paid for.