check-in : a necklace journey

If a jewelry design idea comes to me in a flash, chances are it is for a ring. I don't know why but rings feel complete to me. In my mind's eye, before I have made it a physical reality, I can see it from top to bottom, on or off the body. I prefer simplifying anything too fiddly, and rings feel perfectly suited to this minimalistic approach.

At first, earrings weren't accessible for me to design. Still, I set out to learn how to make them. My goal was to make a lot and recognize that most, if not all, were going to be unsuccessful. Now earrings are a fun challenge.

This time last year, I recognized that I was avoiding anything having to do with necklace designs. This avoidance signaled that I was hitting a point where I needed to gain the practice or skillset to make them. So I challenged myself to, as I had with earrings, make necklaces (at least a couple a month) and accept that many of the designs will fail.

I didn't linger long enough in the flops to take pictures. Trust me, there were plenty. That said, I made so many more new necklaces in 2022!

I want to keep refining these and more designs as this year develops but being able to stop and appreciate the journey makes the journey more rewarding.


check-in : litter pickups and a monthly jewelry challenge


inspiration : finding inspiration in a target parking lot