artist bio

Charity Ridpath grew up above a capped-off landfill. Erosion unearthed years of trash and illegally dumped chemicals until the spaces she played in shut down. With this experience as a creative guide, she wonders how her waste will impact future generations. To connect with this question, she uses single-use and waste plastics to create jewelry inspired by various imagined futures and presently endangered ecosystems.

In 2019 she earned a BFA in Studio Practice with a specialization in Metals from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. She lives and works in Austin, Texas.


artist statement

For one year, I collected all of the single-use plastic I used to better understand my own footprint. With “Year of Plastic,” I transform this collection into nature-inspired, wearable compositions. I subvert the traditional ideas of jewelry as objects with value and symbols of status by replacing gold and jewels with plastic sculptures.

I like to view these translucent forms as a hologram, a dystopian re-creation of something that no longer exists. It creates a link between the abundance of single-use plastic and nature’s destruction.

The experience of wearing these pieces interrupts our common association of single-use plastic products with disposability. Instead, it highlights the long-lasting impact they have on our environment and ourselves.